Immunizations - If you received notice that your child is not up-to-date with the new immunizations required, please talk with your child's physician, then have a copy of your child's updated immunization record faxed to the school, or drop off a copy at the main office. Thank you.
Current Immunization Requirements:
4 doses of DPT, Td, or DTaP - 4th Dose must be on or after the 4th birthday
4 doses of Polio (IPV or OPV)
3 doses of Hepatitis B properly spaced
2 doses of MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) - first dose must be on or after the child's first birthday
2 doses of varicella on or after the child's first birthday or history of chickenpox disease
Tdap - required for 7th grade students only
MCV vaccine for 7th & 12th grade students