Community Resources
PA 211 (Dial 2-11). It's a comprehensive list of Community Resources.
These 3 agencies below have a wide range of services offered:
Clearfield County Board of Assistance – 765-7591
Community Action, 765-1551 – contact for info on resources. Subsidized housing through Lawrence Park Village apartments.
Cen-Clear Child Services (housing, food, or clothing assistance) 342-5678 Ext. 2295 Ext. for Brandi Burdick.
Clearfield County Housing Authority , 765-2485, 203 South 3rd street, – pick up packet for rental assistance information. You can get subsidized housing assistance and an application packet for subsidized Edgewood apartments.
Men’s Shelter 765-6880
Clearfield Chamber of Commerce, 765-7567, has a list of people that have rentals in the area.
PA Housing Search.com (private landlords) 877-428-8844
Salvation Army, 765-4981 at 119 Byers Street, Clearfield
No Tyme like the Present (closed currently): 768-7740
Good Samaritan Center 765-6880
Catholic Charities 765-2215 (programs for infants)
Goodwill Store at the Clearfield Mall
Sneaker Closet at Trinity United Methodist Church 765-9222 (see attached sheet)
Community Action Winter Coat Project (call 765-1551)
Bundle Up Program (coats) by the Salvation Army 345-4222 for students in zip code 16858
United Way: jeans for Teens: age 12 and up: $100 per student shopping
Health Insurance: www.CHIPcoversPAkids.com
Food: Trinity United Methodist Church Food Bank 121 S. 2nd Street. #765-1672
Did you know that FREE MEALS are offered in our community weekly?
Please call the numbers listed below to make sure that dates/times have not changed.
Monday Every Monday 5:00 PM
West Side United Methodist Church 765-9813
317 Nichols Street
Clearfield, PA
Tuesday The 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month 5:00PM
Christ United Methodist Church 765-8940
7th and Dorey Street (701 Dorey Street)
Wednesday Every Wednesday 11:15AM – 12:15 PM
Trinity United Methodist Church 765-9222
121 S. Second Street
Thursday Every Thursday during March, 2011 11:00AM – 1:00PM
Emmanuel United Methodist Church 765-7321
1010 Dorey Street
Saturday Every Saturday 4:30 PM
Living Bread Ministries 290-6131
7th and Daisy Street (628 Daisy Street)
Centre Grove United Methodist Church
Meals once/month – check website