Tuesday, December 15, 2020
RE: Switch to Virtual at the Jr/Sr High School
Several factors will be creating a need to change our academic delivery model to virtual starting tomorrow. The first impact is the onset of our first winter storm that at this time appears that it might create an impact on in person schooling tomorrow and Thursday. The second impact is from an additional positive COVID 19 case at the Jr/Sr High School that was identified this morning. As always if you or your child was a contact you will have been notified by the school directly about your status as a close contact.
As a result the Jr/Sr High School will make a switch to virtual starting tomorrow, Wednesday, December 16th and we will remain virtual through the Holiday Break. At this time we are planning to return to school on Monday, January 4th with our Group A students. This will be dependent on the impacts of COVID and how it is impacting our schools at that time.
Additional items:
- The Library will be available at the Jr/Sr High School for students who may need it
- Lunches will be available to pick up from the rear of the Jr/Sr High School from Friday, December 18th through Wednesday, December 23rd from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Lunches are available for all students and children of the District.
Wednesday, December 16th until noon and from Friday, December 18th through Wednesday, December 23rd during regular school hours.
I would encourage you to please contact your school office with additional questions.
Terry W. Struble, Superintendent tstruble@clearfield.org