CAJSHS November Students of the Month

Clearfield Area Jr/Sr. High School is proud to announce the Students of the Month for November 2020. Teachers and guidance counselors select students on a basis of performance in class, participation, helpfulness, attendance, and academic achievement. 


Students of the Month for November 2020 are as follows:


7th grade: Austin Fenton, Slayde Bumbarger, Ava Kane, and Isabella Gearhart

8th grade Santana Maines, Tristan Tuck, Juliet Condon, and Samantha Gardner

9th grade: Carter Chamberlain, Dominick Cowfer, Jaylee Gill, and Olivia Graham

10th grade: Eric Myers, Colin Schmidt, and Morgan Sattesahn

11th grade: Tyler Olson, Kayden Stiles, Kayla Reed, Riley Vaow, and Madison Wanamaker

12th grade: Karson Rumsky, Ryan Norman, Taylor Humenay, and Ally Gaines