
Clearfield Elks Lodge 540 announced the winners of its recent Americanism Essay Contest. The contest used the theme, "What Does Patriotism Mean to Me?" It was opened to grades 5-8, encouraging them to thoughtfully consider American values and appreciate the blessings and responsibilities of citizenship and express their views on the selected theme. Clearfield Elks awarded each winner a $50 cash prize. Winners have been forwarded to the district level for judging with the possibility of recognition at the state and national level. From left are Exalted Ruler Dave Semelsberger and winners, Brilee Nason, Clearfield Area Jr/Sr High School 7th grade; Jordyn Lazauskas Clearfield Area Jr/S High School, 8th Grade; Ella Sopic, Curwensville Area Elementary School, 6th grade; contest coordinator, Susan Williams and ENF Chairman, Les Mann. Absent from the photo is Danika Work, Clearfield Area Jr/Sr High School.
