The Clearfield Junior Senior High School Bocce Ball team will participate in their first home match on Wednesday, January 18th at 3:30 in the Weiss Gym. All students, families, and members of the community are encouraged to attend.The Bocce team is comprised of Special Olympic athletes with disabilities along with their nondisabled peers to promote both inclusion and the benefit of extracurricular sport activities in schools. Unified Champion Schools provides opportunities for students both with all types of disabilities and without disabilities to participate in sports meaningfully and by engaging other students in the school community, Interscholastic Unified Sports (IUS) helps promote inclusion, acceptance, and respect.
The Special Olympics Interscholastic Unified Sports program is supported by the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) and the Bureau of Special Education, Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Team members include Cody Taylor, Seth Jordan, Lee Ogden, Jaycee Wood, Scarlett LeBeau, and Avelynn McKendrick. Players are coached by Barb Spila, Jessica Komonczi, and volunteer coach Jamie Kline.
They remainder of the schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, January 24th @ Bellefonte
Monday, January 30th Home vs. BEA
Thursday, February 9th @ BEA
League Championships: Wednesday, February 22nd @ 3:30