Wednesday, January 12, 2022

 RE: COVID Update – Impact due to surge in cases

  Dear Clearfield Families,

                As many of you know the schools are not immune to the surge in COVID cases that is occurring on all levels surrounding us. This has impacted many of our families. It has created staffing challenges on a daily basis within our schools. Additionally, a large number of students have been identified as close contacts and quarantined from school.

                While our goal is to be in person for instruction as much as we can, the reality is that we also need a healthy staff to be present for that to happen. Normally in January and our winter months you need to review your plans in case of school delays or cancellations. We are at a point where it is wise to advise you to review your plans if we need to cancel school or shift to a virtual format for a period of time due to the challenges being created by COVID.

               There is no immediate timeline or current expectation to move in the direction of closure or virtual, but if the surge in cases continues, we may need to look at all available options. In the meantime, we would encourage you to help the school community by masking anytime you are in the schools and by keeping anyone home that has been exposed to a positive COVID case in recent days, and/or is showing signs of illness. Your help in the smallest of ways will allow us to hopefully keep in person instruction as our main method for all our students.


Terry W. Struble, Superintendent