Breakfasts and Lunches
The School District did apply and receive permission to utilize the Community Eligibility Provision to provide every student with a free breakfast and lunch. Recognizing the importance of a student 's performance and health being based on proper nutrition, this was an important step for us as a school community. A la carte items, or individual items or extras, will still still be available to students at a cost. At the elementary school the student will need to have money in their lunch account to purchase those extra items. At the Junior/Senior High School students will need to pay in advance for their extra items either with funds in their account or cash. All a la carte purchases must be paid for at time of purchase.
School Safety
To share some ongoing items and changes for the upcoming school year. We have established a five year agreement for a School Resource Officer with Lawrence Township. Officer Marshall will be a presence at both schools throughout the years. In addition the new school year will see some visible changes, such as landscaping changes to eliminate visual barriers, changes in visitor parking and access to the schools, and a number of items that we continue to revise and review within our procedures to continue to keep student and staff safety a priority and focus within our schools.