Clearfield Area School District

Student and Parent Guide for Summer Laptop Care

            Students may use the laptop as often as you want to this summer but please follow the below instructions as well. By doing so, your laptop will be ready to use the first day back next year.

*Laptop should be turned on and plugged in a few hours every week to keep the battery charged and to allow updates to download.

*Everyone should restart their laptops once a week or when an alert pops up on the screen.

*Always store and transport the laptop in the carrying case. Laptop should be kept in laptop case for protection when not in use. Always keep the laptop in safe place and away from younger siblings and pets.

*If laptop is left in a hot car, laptop should be cooled down to room temperature before turning on.

*Keep laptop away from water, such as pools and water games.

            If you experience any problems over the summer you may call the Tech Department at 814-765-5511 ext 7000 and we will schedule remote assistance or a time to bring the laptop in for repair.