November 4, 2020
Notification to Elementary School Community – Informational Only
We were notified yesterday by a parent of a student who has tested positive for COVID 19 at the elementary school. The student has not been in school since Friday, October 23rd, a “B” scheduled day. The student did not become symptomatic until Tuesday, October 27th and did not come to school on that day.
Following the Department of Health guidelines, contact tracing would be required for the two days prior to the onset of symptoms, or in this particular case Sunday the 25th and Monday the 26th. Since the student was not in school at those times, and also did not report on Tuesday the 27th, there is no need for contact tracing or quarantine of other students or staff through the school system.
In reviewing the specifics of the case with the Department of Health there is not a need for further action at this time, but it is important to inform you and keep you aware of cases as we learn of them.
As always it is important to monitor your well-being and those around you. If you child is showing any of the signs or symptoms, please keep them home and contact the school nurse to review the concerns. When everyone does what they can to help prevent the spread, the longer we can keep our children in school.
Please continue to do your part to our help our community by being aware of the signs and symptoms of COVID 19.
Terry W. Struble, Superintendent