IMPORTANT.... 2020 Yearbook  Pick up Details

SENIORS can pick up their yearbooks on Tuesday morning-June 2nd, at the high school when they come to drop off their materials at the school.


UNDERCLASSMEN can pick up their yearbooks in the front oval of the high school on Tuesday, June 2, from Noon until 3:00 p.m. 


If you did not pick your yearbook up on Friday, June 5th you may still do on Thursday, June 11th   from 9AM -12 Noon in the front commons of the high school. 


If you did not order a yearbook, any extras that we have, will be sold  in the high school oval from 9:00 a.m. to Noon for a $64.00.


If you need to make other arrangements please email Mrs. Wingate- lwingate@clearfield. org