Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 31st is our PTO candy pickup and student packet pick up. We will be running two distribution lines between 11 am and 2 pm. Please do not arrive early, and follow directions once on site. The PTO candy distribution will occur in the area where the buses drop off and pick up. Student packets will be passed out on the left side of the sidewalk in the front parking area.
For candy pick up, the PTO officer will come to you and then bring the candy to you. At our packet distribution area, we are asking that you please have a note with what student packets you want to pick up by student's last name first. We will then bring the packets to you.
Packets not picked up on Tuesday will be delivered to school bus stops Wednesday morning following the two hour delay schedule. So if you child normally gets picked up at 8:25 am the bus would be at the stop at approximately 10:25 am. Someone will need to be at the stop to pick up your packet.