Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration Begins for the Class of 2031!


Kindergarten Registration:


For the 2018-19 school year the student must be 5 years old by August 31, 2018


 Registration will be on-line and will be open from March 5th through April 6th.


Upon registering your child you MUST provide the school with the following: (they may be uploaded to the registration site or dropped off at the school)\r\n


        -copy of child’s birth certificate\r\n


        - copy of immunization/shot record\r\n


        - proof of residency (this can be a copy of guardians driver’s license with current address or a utility bill with guardians name and address on it)\r\n




Please follow the link below to the registration. You will then select in the middle of the screen, "Register a new student with the district"


Registration Link


Please Note:\r\n


If  you already have a Community Portal account, log in to start a new registration.


If you are a new parent in the district, select "Create a New Account"


Any questions, or need help with the process, please call the elementary office: 765-5511 option #1.